The last post I wrote was about LD ADD IEP’s and my daughters middle school experience. I have an up date of sorts to that post regarding my daughter and P.E. Last friday I went  out with a friend for Tea/Coffee and when I returned home there was a message from my daughter that she had been hit in the head yet again she said she was ok.When she got home I noticed that her glasses frames have a crack in them and that they are indeed broken. No one had noticed all day not the PE teacher or the nurse her dad or brother.My poor girl broke down and was so upset.I promptly emailed her PE teacher letting her know that as a result of my daughter getting hit in head/face her glasses were broken.  Wearable yes but they have a deep crack in them and are technically broken. My daughters vision best corrected with glasses isn’t 20/20.She has low vision with out her glasses. The lenses she needs are so thick that every time she gets new frames her lenses must be sent to a special lab where they are ground down and fitted to her new frames.Her broken frames are wearable however the weight of her lenses presses on the weak broken part near the nose piece.I called the optical shop/Doctors office to see what could be done and the told us to come in so they could look at the frames.The man who worked with us was wonderful. He made several phone calls and was able to track down replacement frames to order for her. It will take 7 to 10 days for them to come in but if nothing happens to her current lenses they can be put into the new frames. She has an appointment with her ophthalmologist this afternoon. I plan on asking for a doctor’s note so my daughter can have an alternative lesson plan in PE until she has replacement frames and or prescription sport glasses for PE.

My daughter decided for her IEP meeting on Friday that she wanted to write a letter on the computer with my help about how having an IEP and special ed is supporting her in being a successful student and having a good school year so far. We worked on it together over the weekend I must say I am very proud of her. she is a good self advocate and knows what her educational needs are and appreciates when they are supported and met. I think that my uneasiness about the upcoming IEP meeting has subsided mostly. My daughters confidence has helped bring me to that point.IEP meeting are part of the special education process. Here is to hoping that everyone at the meeting will be as impressed with my daughter-how well she is doing her self advocation skills and self-confidence as her father and I are.