Todays post is one of my random topic post. I started this post awhile ago & took a break from it.Here I am to attempt to finish writting it.
I had a conversation with some one about expectations of others.We all know the saying – If you don’t expect much of someone you won’t be as disappointed. I think everyone does this sometimes.There are certain people in my life that it is a constant practice for me. In the conversation about expectations of others they were expressing their disappointment in someone not meeting their expectations. In turn this person was critical not only of that person but of me as well. What it told me was that there is something they are dissatisfied about themselves & are projecting that dissatisfaction on to others. Including me.I thought about that conversation and my feelings hurt and other wise regarding it a great deal and this is what I came up with as a response.Much of it I had figured out long ago but not how to explain it to the person I was having the conversation with.

Making someone feel bad about who they are or shaming them doesn’t have the power to & won’t make them into who you want them to be
You can’t make others change for you or themselves.Only the individual can make the choice to change.
You can’t literally change someone’s behavior for them. No matter how much you may want to.The only thing you can change is your reaction to another persons behavior and choices. How you cope with how their choices and behavior affects you – you do have control over. Expectations are a natural thing to have If you find yourself being repeatedly critical of others.That’s when asking yourself who is this about them or me is helpful in resolving the real issue.
I have talked to this person several times sence that conversation & when they try to approach it & what their intentions were & were not I simply redirect the conversation .hearing about their intentions & apologies for me is a broken record that’s beyond unnecessary in our relationship.I can no longer look back because the change I need can’t be attained that way .
I simply move forward with acceptance that they are who they are and I care for them the best I know how regardless of their expectations.